In 1986, James (Jim) D. Little founded Logos. As a former senior financial officer for one of Canada’s largest organizations, Mr. Little drew on several years of experience in pension administration and financial management. This experience and unique perspective enabled Logos to effectively determine the information needs of all parties involved in the pension plan management process, and formed the basis of the Logos Reporting System.
Designed by sponsors for sponsors, the Logos Reporting System is the most extensive pension plan management information system available. The Logos exhibits and working papers are specifically designed to provide relevant information to plan sponsors and their agents, and to eliminate the cumbersome and time-consuming task of reviewing and reconciling the detail contained in traditional trust reporting. The Logos reports also facilitate the preparation of year-end financial reporting for the pension plan, the audit working papers in connection with the year-end audit process, as well as certain financial reporting that is required by provincial and federal pension regulators and the plan actuary.
If you subscribe to the theory that better information, organization and communication generate more effective control and decision-making, the Logos Reporting System© and the Financial Reporting and Internal Control solutions provided by Logos are designed for you.
As the diagram below suggests, the Logos Reporting System will become the focal point for the distribution of reliable and relevant information to all stakeholders in your pension environment. The reporting generated by the Logos Reporting System essentially becomes a refined and more reliable General Ledger for the pension plans contained in your pension environment.
For over 30 years, Logos has been providing pension plan financial reporting, internal control and management services to some of Canada’s largest corporations. Today, Logos provides services to corporations that sponsor over 90 pension plans with an aggregate value of pension plan assets of approximately $8 billion. Each one of our clients is a well-managed organization with knowledgeable and professional staff, and each one of them has an abundance of resources. Their decision to utilize Logos in connection with the administration of their pension plans is based on the belief that we offer highest quality expertise, and a more timely and cost-effective alternative to completing the work internally.
Contact Logos today to discover the value and efficiency that our clients have come to enjoy and rely upon.